Territorial Boyfriend???

A dog marking its Territory

A dog marking its Territory

Sometimes I do things (which I’m not going to discuss here because I don’t want to embarrass myself) that my girlfriend hates and sometimes accuses me of being jealous and insecure, but I don’t see it as being that, I like to use the term “Territorial” and in my defense, I will try to explain my “jealousy & insecure” behavior below

“Animals(mostly males) mark their territories mainly to let other animals of the same species know that area is already occupied”….Human beings are also animals, so most times human beings and animals exhibit similar behavior

Men are human too, We can have sex only for the sake of having sex, but some of us also get emotionally attached. There is this misconception that men don’t have emotions or don’t experience emotions on the same level as women . In my personal opinion I think men can be and are just as emotional as women and if jealousy isn’t an emotion then I don’t know what is. Jealousy is where being territorial comes from.

Most of us consider betrayal by women who we are emotionally attached to/Love as a deal breaker, As a boyfriend it can be painful when my woman seeks some kind of comfort outside of the relationship especially from another guy, you don’t have to sleep with him just flirting with him is enough to send some guys over the edge, the image that we as guys replay in our minds of our lovers possibly being with other men is not something we even want to think about.

So that’s why I think we become possessive and territorial, and sometimes it may come across as being jealous, paranoid or insecure, but ladies we you have to understand that this comes from a place of love, so that “friend” that’s overly flirty with you is seen as a threat, it doesn’t matter how confident you are with yourself. but a guy that is always sniffing around your woman is like a mosquito that keeps buzzing around your ear, you just want to kill it cause its damn irritating. So ladies please tell these “friends” of yours to tone it down a little, cause I’m sure he wouldn’t like it if someone starts flirting with his woman.

So yah, Men do experience insecurity, and become possessive of our women and flip out every time we observe our women pay attention to someone else.  It takes a very, very long time for this behavior to change because its something that comes naturally to us, I say this because sometimes its really not something that we can control.

• So baby I’m protective because I care and if I stop being protective be concerned.

• I’m not saying being paranoid and insecure is good, I know its a huge turn off for most people.

• So girls be mindful of the fact that its natural for us to show a little bit of possessiveness when there are other men trying to get into your pants (or look like they are trying to)

• And to you gents, bafethu, majita, dudes, Niggas or what ever you call yourself…..

“Watch your thoughts, because they become words. Watch your words, because they become actions. Watch your actions, because they become habits. Watch your habits, because they become character. Watch your character, because it becomes your destiny”

Don’t be that Paranoid, insecure, possessive, annoying boyfriend, it doesn’t look good on you guys, I’m also working on my self so that I become a more secure, open-minded boyfriend…baby if you are reading this I’m still a work in progress please bare with me.

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